How To Prepare When Networking For Scanning With Your Pittsburgh Copier
Don't Look Ridiculous When Networking Your Pittsburgh Copier For Scanning!
Don’t feel like the above picture, and don’t treat people who work on your copiers in Pittsburgh like one! One area where it’s really tempting sometimes is in regards to networking a Pittsburgh copier for scanning. It’s easy to think that installation should come with the purchase–but networking your Pittsburgh copier is usually much more involved, and a relatively new technology. There are a few things you can do to make the process much more quick and painless:
- Get the IP address of the computer you want to scan to
- Decide which desktops to scan to
- Decide your security settings beforehand
- Get all available network info and have an IT person available
These are just a few tips on how to prepare for this installation for your Pittsburgh copier. It’s like anything you would install–preparation is going to make it the most efficient! If you’re going to have a Pittsburgh copier then take the easy steps to get it networked for scanning! And as far as installation and efficiency, if a plumber is going to fix pipes under your sink, don’t wait until he comes to do your spring cleaning and organizing! Get your Pittsburgh copier networked the easy way!